Title: made of ticky tacky and they all look the same Fandom: LOST Characters: Abaddon/Ilana, Ben, Charles Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,032 Summary: It's not an art, it's a science.
Title: i must become a lion-hearted girl Fandom: LOST Characters: Ellie/Charles Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 730 Summary: Life was easier when she thought boys were stupid.
Title: Hey There, Mr. Blue Fandom: LOST Characters: Penny, Charles Rating: PG Word Count: 568 Summary: Penny thought family reunions were supposed to be happy. (written for lostfichallenge , prompt - the missing years)
Title: became the toxic garden Fandom: LOST Characters: Ben and Charles Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 479 Summary: Ben and Charles have a heart-to-heart, or would if either had one.
Title: upstairs, closer, commons Fandom: LOST Characters: Eloise/Charles, Ana/Jack, Esau & Jacob Rating: PG, PG-13, PG Word Count: 324 Summary: Three drabbles written for lostsquee
Title: we never played by the same rules anyway Fandom: LOST Characters: Widmore Rating: PG Word Count: 108 Summary: prompt - redemption, written for lost_in_108